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Linda Spence, speaker,Trainer, facilitator, keynote speaker near me, keynote speaker Toronto

Hi, I'm Linda

Since my former business partner and I closed the Consulting firm that we founded 21 years earlier (Healthy Futures Group) I have been steering my work as an independent speaker, coach and consultant towards new efforts but drawing on all of the learnings and insights that my human resources consulting career had afforded me. Every client presented with a unique set of circumstances and priorities, a unique problem. Working through those circumstances alongside my clients (predominantly Not-For-Profit leaders in Ontario) I have discovered patterns, lessons, and truths that are universal. In my current work I am assembling these learnings and sharing them in numerous ways. I look forward to your insights and observations.



It’s An Emotional Topic (Show Me the Money Series Part 1)

It’s An Emotional Topic (Show Me the Money Series Part 1)

Show Me The Money Series (Part 1) It’s An Emotional Topic Before getting into the nuts and bolts of what you can do to maximize your salary (non-union), let’s try to understand what is behind our need for more money and why we bump into challenges. We Humans Seem to...

Finding the Grey

Finding the Grey

.“...the gray areas are where you find the complexity, it's where you find the humanity and it's where you find the truth."” ~ Jon Ronson, Journalist Finding the Grey As a Human Resources Consultant I wrote a lot of Policy and Procedure documents. While not the most...


As a speaker, Linda helps people in developing their sense of personal leadership and accountability, and to better understand the context and dynamics of the workplace.

She is determined to help people stay “out of the muck” at work, and to tap into their own unique inner self to ensure fulfillment at work and life.